Step by step

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If you are new to Centra as a platform you are definitely in the right place. Here you will find links to the most read articles that you might want to read as well while setting up Centra and all the stuff around it.

So if we start with the General parts:

  1. To be able to login to the new system you and your colleagues need a user with the correct access rights. Here you can read more about how to set them up
  2. To be able to sell you stuff you would need a couple of things. One thing is price lists, which you can read more about here. Then in Centra, you need something we call Markets, where you can segment your products
  3. You would also need to figure out how to handle your shipping cost, read here about configuring range shipping, or read here about configuring free shipping.

And now to the most important part, Product Catalog:

  1. To be able to setup products in Centra you first need to define Size charts, Categories, and Folders. Click on each link to learn more
  2. Then you might have different Tax Rules, depending on what you are planning to sell in the System and to what countries. For that, you set up Tax Groups where you can specify the rules per country and also select on a product level on each product
  3. Then we continue to the products. You can either import all products at once, by using a template that you could download from here or adding products one by one, depending on how many products you have
  4. Then it’s time to add images to your products and maybe different variants. That you could, of course, do manually on each product but if you have a lot of products and media you could easily do it with Centra's batch action to Import Media
  5. And as a last step, you also need some kind of stock. Here is how you import your different stock levels on a product and variant level.

If you will use the Wholesale part of Centra you also need to do the following:

  1. You need Payment terms and Shipping terms
  2. You need to “design” your Invoice template
  3. You need to add the Accounts for your customers that should be able to place orders
  4. You need to add Sales Representatives that should have access to different Accounts
  5. Then you also need Delivery Windows for your different drops.

Then you can, of course, read all our other knowledge base articles here to gain a deeper knowledge of the Centra Platform and how to do even more cool stuff.

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